KN200 Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The KN200 NVS, illustrated in figure 1-9, is a
lightweight sight adapted by Naval Special
Warfare forces for use with a 10X day scope. It
may also be used with currently fielded laser
range finders.
The KN200 has a 10-degree field of view and a
range of 400 to 800 yards. It can be powered by
either two BA 3058 AA alkaline batteries or two
C alkaline batteries.
The night vision goggle (NVG) allows the user
to perform tasks such as reading, patrolling,
walking, short-range observation, and mobile
equipment operation. It can also be used with
laser aiming devices for off-hand shooting.
The AN/PVS-5C, illustrated in figure 1-10, is
the latest in the PVS-5 series. It is fairly
lightweight and is held to the users face by rubber
straps. Instructions for donning the NVG are
permanently mounted on the side of the unit.
The AN/PVS-5C has a range of 200 to 300
yards for man-sized targets, a 40-degree field of
view, and is powered by a BA 5567 lithium battery
or two BA 3058 AA alkaline batteries.
The AN/PVS-5C NVG is scheduled to be replaced
by a new configuration, the AN/PVS-5D.
The AN/AVS-6, illustrated in figure 1-11, is an
Aviators Night Vision System (ANVIS) providing
the user with improved night vision. This unit
enables the user to pilot rotary wing aircraft or to
drive high-speed ground vehicles.
Figure 1-11.AN/AVS-6 NVG, ANVIS