Individual-served sights also provide improved
night observation and aimed fire of weapons by
using available light from the night sky. The
primary difference between these sights and crew-
served sights is that these sights are mainly
mounted on hand-held weapons.
AN/PVS-4 Weapons Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The AN/PVS-4, illustrated in figure 1-6, can be
used with the M14 and M16 rifles, M60 machine
gun, M79 grenade launcher, and M16 with the
M203 grenade launcher.
This sight is powered by two BA 5567 lithium
batteries with an estimated life of 12 hours at 23
degrees Celsius. Its range is 400 to 600 yards for
man-sized targets, with a 14.5-degree field of view.
The AN/PVS-4 is used by both fleet and Naval
Special Warfare units.
M921 Submersible Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The M921, illustrated in figure 1-7, is a
submersible-sight for use on the 5.56mm and the
7.62mm weapons and for general observation. This
system provides a high resolution, intensified
image for effective viewing and aiming. The
submersible design provides watertight protection
to a depth of 50 meters and salt water corrosion
resistance for missions requiring underwater
The M921 has a range of 300 to 500 yards for
man-sized targets and a 13-degree field of view. It
weighs 4.6 pounds and is powered by either a BA
1567 mercury battery or a BA 5567 lithium
Aquila Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The Aquila sight, illustrated in figure 1-8, is
used with most 5.56mm and 7.62mm weapons.
This system was procured by Naval Special
Warfare as a replacement for the AN/PVS-4. The
Aquila sight offers better performance, lighter
weight, and improved accuracy.
The Aquila weighs 2.7 pounds and has a range
of 400 to 800 yards, with an 8.3-degree field of
view. It is powered by two BA 3058 AA alkaline
batteries with an estimated life of 40 hours at 23
degrees Celsius.
Figure 1-6.An/PVS-4 weapons night vision sight.