Nite-Eye Pocketscope
The pocketscope, illustrated in figure 1-3, is
similar to the metascope; however, the infrared
light source is built into the main body of the unit.
This pocketscope weighs 15 ounces and uses
two AA alkaline batteries as a power source. Its
range is 100 to 200 yards for man-sized targets,
with a 40-degree field of view.
Crew-served sights provide improved night
observation and aimed fire of weapons by using
available light from the night sky.
MK37 Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The MK37 NVS, illustrated in figure 1-4, is
bracket mounted on the ships signal bridge. It is
used for navigational purposes, for fire control,
and to identify long-range objects.
The MK37 weighs 34 pounds and has a range
of 2200 yards with a 9-degree field of view. It can
be powered by either a BA 1100 6.8 vdc mercury
battery or a 115 vac-to-6.8 vdc shipboard power
converter. Battery life is estimated to be 72 hours.
This unit will be replaced through attrition by a
long-range night vision sight.
AN/TVS-5 Weapons Night Vision Sight (NVS)
The AN/TVS-5, illustrated in figure 1-5, is used
mainly for aimed fire of weapons. It can be used
with the M2, M60, and M85 machine guns, M40
recoilless rifle, M139 20mm cannon, and the
MK19 40mm automatic grenade launcher.
The AN/TVS-5 has a range of 100 to 1200 yards
for vehicle-sized targets and a 9-degree field of
view. It weighs 8 pounds and is powered by two
BA 5567 lithium batteries. The life of the batteries
is estimated to be 12 hours at 23 degrees Celsius.
The AN/TVS-5 is used by the fleet and Naval
Special Warfare units.
Figure 1-3.Pocketscope.