AIM-1DLR Laser Aiming Device
The AIM-1DLR, illustrated in figure 2-13, is a
adjustable-intensity beam used as a long range
pointer. This unit can operate with any type of
night vision system.
This unit is a Class 3B laser with a range of
3000 meters and weighs only 9 ounces. It is
powered by two BA 3058 AA alkaline batteries.
Safety eyewear for this unit must have an OD of
1.67 at a wavelength of 840 nano-meters. The note
preceding this section also applies to the AIM-
Rangefinders are devices that are used to find a
close estimate of the distance to a target quickly.
AN/PVS-X Miniature Laser Range Finder
The AN/PVS-X, illustrated in figure 2-14, is a
small, man-portable, lightweight, hand-held unit
used to obtain a close estimate of the range to a
The AN/PVS-X MLRF is a Class 3B laser that
weighs 2.5 pounds and has a range of 50 meters to
10 kilometers, with a 7-degree field of view. It can
be powered by either four BA 5567 lithium or four
BA 1567 Mercury or a battery pack containing
eight BA 3058 AA alkaline batteries. Safety
eyewear for this unit must have an OD of 3.7 at a
wavelength of 1064 nano-meters.
M931 Ranging Night Scope (RNS)
The M931 RNS, illustrated in figure 2-15, is a
man-portable, lightweight, hand-held or tripod-
mounted laser device. It is used to obtain a close
estimate of range to a target under starlit or
moonlit conditions. The M931 is a Class 3B laser
with a 13.6-degree field of view and a range of 1
kilometer. It weighs 2.9 pounds and is powered by
four AA 3.5-volt lithium batteries. Safety
eyewear for the M931 must have an OD of 1 at a
wavelength of 830 nano-meters.
Thermal imaging is a process by which heat
emissions (infrared energy) are converted to
visible light. Thermal imaging devices detect and
display changes in the heat emissions of objects.
Figure 2-13.AIM-1DLR laser aiming device.