The AN/KAS-1 CWDD illustrated in figure 2-16
is a passive device, two fields of view, forward-
looking infrared system used by the Navy for
standoff detection of nerve agents. The unit can be
bracket-mounted on a ships signal bridge or
tripod mounted. It is used: (1) as a chemical
warfare advance warning system and (2) for
surveillance and navigation and search and rescue
operations during hours of darkness, periods of
limited light visibility, and during daylight
The AN/KAS-1 weighs approximately 27
pounds and has a range of 3200 yards. It is
powered by 115 volts ac, 60 hertz at 36 watts. Its
field of view is 3.4 X 6.8-degrees wide and 1.1 X
2.2-degrees narrow.
Most maintenance on laser equipment is pre-
ventive maintenance only (i.e., clean and inspect)
and can be completed with little-to-no problems.
Correc-tive maintenance is primarily limited to
the depot level. Therefore, if you experience a
major problem with laser equipment, you must
send it to the Naval Surface Warfare Center,
Crane, Indiana, for repair.
Throughout this chapter, we have introduced
laser devices that are in use in the Navy today.
This area of technology is continually expanding.
As it does, your knowledge of this area should also
This volume has introduced you to a small
amount of the night vision equipment and laser
devices that are used in todays Navy. Remember
to follow all safety precautions when using these
equipments. Your eyes cannot be replaced.
Figure 2-16.AN/KAS-1 CWDD tripod-mounted.