Figure 2-11.SOFLAM.
(visible mode) or an infrared pulsed spot (IR mode)
indicates the impact point of a round fired from a
TD-100A-equipped weapon.
The TD-100A is a Class 3B laser device with a
range of 50 yards in the visible mode and 300
yards in the infrared mode. It is powered by a
nickel-cadmium battery pack or an alkaline
battery pack, and weighs 1.55 pounds. Safety
eyewear must have an OD of 1 at a wavelength or
670 nano-meters for the visible mode and an OD of
1 at a wavelength or 850 nano-meters for the
infrared mode.
Night vision equipment is required for infrared
use of this device.
Figure 2-12.TD-100A mounted on an MP5 9MM submachine gun.