are then used to prepare the final inspection report on
on the condition sheets for any particular unit of
machinery or equipment.
the condition of the ship.
For more detailed information concerning a ship,
you should obtain a copy of the applicable condition
sheets from the engineering log room.
The inspectors should conduct the inspection
together with the ship's personnel. No attempt must be
Opening Machinery for Inspection
made to follow a predetermined inspection schedule,
and different units should be inspected as they are made
The ship will open machinery as previously directed
available by the ship's company. If the ship is prepared
by the chief inspector to obtain the inspector's opinion
for the inspection, there should be no delay between the
concerning known or probable defects. The
inspection of the different units of machinery. It is not
information given in Naval Ship' s Technical Manual,
necessary that all machinery of one type be inspected
chapter 090, is used as a guide in opening particular
simultaneously. Also, its not necessary to complete the
machinery units. More detailed information on opening
inspection of one space before going to another.
machinery for material inspections is found in the
administrative letters of the type commander.
Important items to be covered by the inspection are
indicated below:.
A list of machinery, tanks, and major equipment
opened, and the extent of opening, should be supplied
1. All opened machinery and equipment are
to the inspecting party on its arrival. Test reports on
carefully inspected especially where the need of repair
samples of lubricating oil should be furnished to the
work is indicated on the work list.
machinery inspector.
2. Investigations are made to locate any defects, in
Ship's company should have portable extension
addition to those already known, which may exist in
lights rigged and in readiness for the units of machinery
material condition or design.
opened up for inspection. The lighting of the spare
should be in good order. The inspectors should be
3. Operational tests of machinery and equipment
furnished flashlights, chipping hammers, file scrapers,
conducted in accordance with the furnished list.
and similar items. Precision-measuring instruments
4. Electrical equipment is checked to ensure that it
should be readily available.
is not endangered by salt water from hatches, doors, or
ventilation outlets. Possible leaks in piping flanges are
Assembly of Records and Reports
The material inspection also includes an inspection
5. Equipment in the engineering spaces is
of various material records and reports. These
inspected to ensure that it is properly installed and
documents are assembled so as to be readily available
for inspection. Records must be kept up to date at all
6. Supports and running gear of heavy suspended
times. Check over all records to make sure that they are
material are inspected.
up to date and that nothing has been overlooked. The
7. Hold-down bolts, plates, and other members of
individual records should be filled out and maintained
machinery foundations are inspected. Hammers may be
following current directives. Where applicable, the
used for sounding, and file scrapers may be used for
petty officer in charge of an engineering space should
removing paint to disclose any condition of metal
check all records or reports that concern the material or
the maintenance procedures of that space.
8. Condition sheets are checked to see that the
Conduct of the Inspection
inspector, after receiving the reports from the inspectors,
The inspecting group for the engineering
inspection. The chief inspector discusses, with
department should conduct a critical and thorough
appropriate comment, the following items:
inspection of the machinery and equipment under the
a. Those conditions requiring remedial action
responsibility of the department. The condition sheets
which should be brought to the attention of
supplied by the type commander serve as a guide and a
the commanding officer of the ship
checkoff list in making the inspection. Appropriate
inspected and to higher authority
remarks, comments, and recommendations are entered