The operator should set up the equipment for
manual operation (the manual-induced magnitude
SSM degaussing equipment is the standard
current controls should be adjusted and locked) at the
degaussing equipment installed on all ships that require
same time it is set up for automatic operation. This will
degaussing, except nonmagnetic minesweepers and
enable the operator to switch from automatic to manual
operation without having to adjust current magnitude.
control switchboard, a remote control unit, and a power
Incorrect current magnitudes and polarities can be
supply for each installed degaussing coil (fig. 10-14).
dangerous in a mine danger area. The general procedure
The switchboard contains operator controls, control
for manual operation of the FI-QI or A coil is as follows:
circuits, and status indicators for all coils. The remote
control unit provides status indicators and a heading
switch for emergency manual operation in a remote
location (usually the pilot house). The power supplies
amplify control signals from the switchboard.
The switchboard is functionally divided to
operation and maintenance easier. The computer
drawer contains a mechanical computer and the controls
necessary to provide induced A- and FI-QI coil current
magnitudes for the ship's heading and location (fig.
10-15). The automatic and manual drawers contain
current controls, meters, and status indicators for the
automatic coils (A and FI-QI) and the manual coils (M
and FP-QP). The ground detector, temperature alarm
bell, power-supply blown-fuse indicators, and power
switches are located on the front panels.
The power supplies (fig. 10-16) are supplied in
standard power ratings, and they differ only in output
current ratings. AU are functionally identical.
MCD degaussing equipment is installed on FFG-7
class ships. This equipment consists of a fluxgate-type
triaxial magnetometer, a control unit, a remote control
unit, and a power supply unit for each installed
degaussing coil. It is essentially a combination of EMS
equipment and SSM equipment. The magnetometer
and control unit are functionally similar to the EMS
magnetometer and control unit. The main differences
are that additional compensation features are provided
to minimize the effect of the ship's magnetic field at the
magnetometer and that the control unit outputs are
current signals to the power supplies instead of currents
to the degaussing coils. The remote control unit and the
power supplies are similar to the SSM remote control
unit and power supplies.
For ease of maintenance by the ship's force, the
degaussing installations in all types of naval vessels are
marked following a standard marking system. All