only the door switch at the outer door is provided with
a lock-in device, and the lock-in devices are removed
from the other outer doors. The location of the control
Special lights are provided aboard ships for various
switch is indicated by a plate mounted adjacent to each
uses. These lights include flashlights, floodlights, hand
door switch. The control switch is marked
lanterns, and flood lanterns (fig. 4-34). Lights and
lighting fixtures are identified by NAVSHIPS symbol
of the short-circuiting switch that connects the door
numbers (1 through 399), military standard (MS)
switches in the circuit is marked DARKENED SHIP,
numbers, national stock numbers (NSN), military
and the portion that disconnects the door switches from
specification numbers, or NAVSHIPS drawing
the circuit is marked LIGHTED SHIP. Personnel
numbers. The NAVSHIPS Standard Electrical Symbol
should become familiar with the location of the
List (NAVSEA S0300-AT-GTP-010/ESL, formerly
short-circuiting switch in all compartments, and the
NAVSEA 0960-000-4000) lists the lights and lighting
number of doors that it controls.
fixtures in current use on naval ships. Fixtures are listed
Figure 4-34.--Special lights.