The lower half of the A1 panel (figure 13-12)
DATA switches and the DD/DDI SELECT switches and
SWITCHES. These switches are used to simulate
30-bit computer external function and computer output
data words from the controlling computer to the
CATORS. These switches and indicators are used to
select DD or DDI mode for the group 1 DD devices.
The top two indicator/pushbuttons identify the group
mode (left DD/right DDI). The pushbuttons may be
used to manually switch between DD and DDI modes.
The eight individual device indicators show if there is
an enter signal on the line from one of the group 1
devices (addresses 1 through 10). The eight ON/OFF
switches are used to control the individual device DDI
enter signals. The ON position enables the device DDI
enter signal, the OFF position disables it. Individual
devices will not enter DDI data with these switches
OFF, even if group 1 is in the DDI mode.
Digital Control Logic Panel (A2)
The upper half of the A2 panel (figure 13-12)
contains the DATA REGISTER and the CONTROL
The data register
pushbutton/indicators are lighted to indicate the
presence of data for DOC equipments. The
pushbuttons may be used to enter data bits into the
register for offline operations. The control output
register indicates the status of the external control
signals. A lighted indicator means a control signal is
being generated. The pushbuttons may be used to set
individual control signals during offline operations.
The lower half of the A2 panel contains the
following controls and indicators: DUPLEX controls,
KCMX mode controls/indicators, DOC interface
controls/indicators, and KCMX interrupt controls/
DUPLEX CONTROLS. The duplex controls
(figure 13-12) are identical for both A and B computers;
therefore, only the A controls/indicators are discussed.
The DUPLEX A CONTROL pushbutton/indicator,
when lighted, indicates that the A computer is in
control. In other than normal operation, the pushbutton
may be depressed to simulate that computer A is in
control. The DUPLEX A RC, DUPLEX A IDR, and
DUPLEX A ODR pushbutton/indicators are lighted to
indicate that the KCMX has received the request control
(RC), input data request (IDR), or output data request
(ODR) signals. These pushbutton/indicators may be
used to monitor or, in test mode, to simulate the
indicated signals.
TORS. The TDUC and RDUC pushbutton/indicators
(figure 13-12) are lighted when the KCMX is in the
associated mode. The pushbuttons may be used to
simulate reception of the computer external function
codes for that mode.
The MODE SELECT rotary switch (bottom of A2
panel) selects one of four operating/test modes. The
NORM position permits normal KCMX operation. The
DOC position enables testing of the digital output
channels. The MANUAL position enables the KCMX
to simulate computer operations by the use of the front
panel controls. The synchro-to-digital converter may
be tested in the A/D CONV position.
The MASTER CLEAR pushbutton resets all logic
circuits. The INDICATORS ON/OFF toggle switch
disables all indicators on the A1, A2, A3, and A4 panels.
The CMPTR A EF, B EF, OA, and IA pushbuttons are
used to simulate external functions, output
acknowledges, and input acknowledges from the
computer. The DATA pushbutton/indicator is lighted
when the KCMX is in the RDUC mode and is prepared
to transfer a data or control word. The pushbutton is
used to enable the data transfer sequence when a
simulated computer OA signal is present. The BFW
indicator is lighted when the KCMX is in the RDUC
mode and processing a computer buffer function word
(BFW). The pushbutton is used to simulate reception
of the RDUC BFW code from the computer.
The CONTROL CHANNEL pushbutton/indicator
is lighted when a control word transfer takes place. The
pushbutton may be used to simulate a control word
The six pushbutton/indicators labeled CURRENT
ADDRESS (figure 13-12) display the octal KCMX
address being interrogated by the TDUC mode. The
pushbuttons may also be used to allow manual selection
of a single address, or starting address of a set of
addresses to be interrogated in a test mode. The FINAL
ADDRESS pushbutton/indicators are used to select
(test mode) or display (TDUC mode) the last KCMX
address of a set of addresses being interrogated. The
ADDRESS CLEAR pushbutton clears both the current
and final address bit indicators.