and accurate satellite position fixes during
ship maneuvers
6. Displays inputted speed and heading.
7. Displays inputted set and drift.
9. Optional addition of a teleprinter
8. Displays data on a tracked satellite.
The combination of fictional elements in the
AN/WRN-5 provides many capabilities including
automatic storage of satellite information, time-
ordered alerts for up to eight satellites, and built-in
self test. The front panel video display provides
current time, latitude/longitude, dead reckoning
position (automatically updated by satellite fixes), and
satellite tracking information such as fix merit and
satellite alerts. You will find specific information on
the capabilities of this navigation set in the AN/WRN-
5 operation and maintenance technical manual.
9. Performs a self-test of computer functions
[limited to verification of the digital circuitry).
The AN/SRN-19(V)2 consists of the major
components shown in figure 1-9.
Figure 1-10 shows a simplified block diagram of
this system. The following paragraphs describe these
The AN/SRN-19(V)2 is an automatic shipboard
navigation set that provides a continuous display of
the ships position.
The ships position, which is
obtained by dead reckoning on true speed and
heading, is periodically corrected by satellite fixes.
Specifically, the navigation set can perform the
following functions:
1. After each successful satellite pass, computes
and displays the present location of the ship to a
nominal at-sea accuracy of 0.25 nautical mile.
The antenna group consists of the AS-3330/SRN-
19(V) antenna and AM-7010/SRN-19(V) rf amplifier
The antenna is a linear, vertically-polarized type
that receives rf signals transmitted by the satellite. Its
horizontal pattern is omnidirectional; its vertical
pattern varies approximately 11 dB from 10 to 70
degrees above the horizontal plane.
Rf Amplifier
Note: Accuracy of the fix is affected by high
The rf amplifier provides initial amplification of
sunspot activity. During these periods, nominal
the 400-MHz satellite signals from the antenna and
at-sea accuracy may degrade to approximately
then sends them, via rf coaxial cable, to the receiver
0.5 nautical mile.
for further amplification and processing. The rf
amplifier consists of a bandpass filter module, a 400-
2. Dead reckons between satellite fixes
MHz amplifier, and a dc block module.
3. Computes and displays the range and bearing
from the present position to any destination using the
great circle program.
The receiver-processor consists of a single
channel (400-MHz) receiver, a 5-MHz reference
4. Computes and displays the next expected rise
oscillator, a data processor with a programmable read-
time and elevation at closest approach of the
only memory (PROM) program, a keyboard, display,
previously tracked satellite,
cassette recorder, two synchro-to-digital (S/D)
converters, and a power supply. It processes inputs
5. Displays GMT accurate to 1 second.
from the rf amplifier, ships EM log, gyrocompass,
and receiver-processor keyboard.