Figure 2-10.AN/SPA-25G radar indicator, top panel controls and indicators.
Azimuth Fill processprevents voids, gaps, and
holes in the radar video that occur when translating from
rhotheta to X-Y format.
Electronic Bearing Circlearound the perimeter
of the radar video display, has bearing markers
displayed every 5°, and is numerically labeled every
Electronic Plotting Aidprovides a continuous
display of ships speed and course, offset settings,
principal designator range and bearing, and BIT
Figure 2-11 shows the physical configuration of the
AN/SPA-25G. It has the same form and fit as previous
indicator group models in the AN/SPA-25 series. It will
pass through a
25-inch diameter hatch without
disassembly. If a tilted panel or sit-down console is
required, a 60° insert section and an attachable front
shelf are available (fig. 2-12).
The AN/SPA-25G has unlimited operational
capabilities, since it will interface with any Navy
conventional search radar system. The CV-3989/SP
Figure 2-11.AN/SPA-25G stand-up configuration.