control it manually for searching in a specific target
As we mentioned in chapter 1, the air search 3D
radars determine altitude by scanning the vertical plane
in discrete increments (steps). Although this may be
done mechanically, most frequently, it is done
electronically. Figure 2-8 shows the radar beam
radiated at different elevation angles as electronic
scanning changes the radiated frequency in discrete
steps. Each elevation angle or step has its own particular
scan frequency.
A computer electronically synchronizes each
radiated frequency with its associated scan angle to
produce the vertical height of a given target.
The 3D radars also use a range-height indicator
(RHI) in addition to the PPI used with 2D radars. We
will discuss both indicators in further detail in the
section on radar indicators.
Carrier-controlled approach (CCA) and
ground-controlled approach (GCA) systems guide
aircraft to safe landings, even under conditions
approaching zero visibility. Radar is used to detect
aircraft and to observe them during their final approach
and landing. Guidance information is supplied to the
pilot in the form of verbal radio instructions, or to the
automatic pilot (autopilot) in the form of pulsed control
The primary approach systems in the Navy are the
AN/SPS-46(V) Precision Approach Landing System
(PALS) for CCA and the AN/FPN-63 Precision
Approach Radar (PAR) for CGA.
The AN/SPN-46(V)1 system provides safe and
reliable final approach and landing for PALS-equipped
Figure 2-8.Electronic elevation scan.
carrier-based aircraft, during daylight or darkness. It is
rarely affected by severe weather and sea state
conditions, and is not affected by low ceiling and
visibility problems.
The AN/SPN-46(V)2 system is installed at selected
naval air stations (NAS). It is used for the PALS training
of flight crews, operator and maintenance personnel,
and the PALS certification of aircraft.
The AN/SPN-46(V)1 system replaces the
AN/SPN-42A Automatic Carrier Landing System
(ACLS) on CV/CVN class ships. The AN/SPN-46(V)2
system replaces the AN/SPN-42T1/3/4 at various naval
air stations.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPN-46(V) PALS allows simultaneous and
automatic control of two aircraft during the final
approach and landing phase of carrier recovery
operations. Designed primarily as an automatic
landing system, it also has manual control capabilities.
The AN/SPN-46(V) has three modes of operation that
are identified, based on the type of control (automatic or
manual) and the source of information (display or
Mode I (automatic control).The Central
Computer Subsystem (CCS) processes flight
information from the radar/ship motion sensor (SMS),
wind speed and direction equipment, and other ancillary
equipment. It then transmits command and error signals
to each aircraft via the Link 4A. The aircraft receives
these command and error signals and translates them
into control actions that maintain the aircraft within a
narrowly prescribed flight envelope.
Mode II (manual control with display).The
aircraft cockpit display receives command and
error signals that direct the pilot to take proper
Mode III (manual control with voice).The air
traffic controller, using the processed flight data
transmitted to the operator control console (OCC),
provides the pilot with voice communications for a
manual approach.
The AN/SPN-46(V)1 system consists of 26 units
categorized into four major subsystems: display
(units 1 and 2), ancillary equipment (units 3-11),
central computer (units 12- 16), and radar/SMS (units
17-26). A pictorial flow diagram of the system is