FM Frequency modulation.
FRUIT Nonsynchronous transponder replies that
interfere with IFF video.
FTC Fast time constant.
GCA Ground controlled approach.
GPETE General-pufpose electronic test equipment.
HDC Helicopter direction center.
HERF Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuel.
HERO Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to
HERP Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to
I/O Input/output.
IADT Integrated Automatic Detection and Tracking
IF Intermediate frequency.
IFF Identification friend or foe.
IMA Intermediate maintenance activity.
IS Interference suppression.
LSLS Intemogator side lobe suppression.
ITAWDS Integrated Tactical Amphibious Warfare
Data System.
KCMX Keyset central multiplexer.
LED Light-emitting diodes.
LOS Line of sight.
LRM Long range mode.
LRU Lowest replaceable unit.
LSO Landing signal officer.
MAM Maintenance assist module.
MATCS Marine air traffic control squadrons.
MCAS Marine Corps air station.
MFC Manual frequency control.
MLV Memory loader/verifier.
MOB Mobility.
MOISTURE LAPSE A falling away from the
standard moisture content of the air.
MOTU Mobile technical unit.
MPPI Maintenance planned position indicator.
MPU Medium PRF upgrade.
MRC Maintenance requirement card.
MTBF Mean time between failures.
MTI Moving target indicator.
MTTR Mean time to repair.
MTU Magnetic tape unit.
MUTE Shipboard Emission Monitor-Control Set,
NAS Naval air station.
NAVSEA Naval Systems Engineering Activity.
NAVSEACEN Naval Systems Engineering Activity
NEC Navy Enlisted Classifications.
NEETS Navy Electricity and Electronics Training
NTDS Navy Tactical Data System.
OCC Operator control console.
OOD Officer of the deck.
PA Power amplifier.
PALS Precision Approach Landing System.
PAR Precision approach radar.
PCB Printed circuit board.
PM Planned/preventive maintenance.
PMS Planned Maintenance System.
PPI Planned position indicator.
PRF Pulse repetition frequency, also referred to as
pulse repetition rate (PRR).
PRI-FLI Primary flight.
PRR Pulse repetition rate, also referred to as pulse
repetition frequency (PRF).
R/T Receiver/transmitter.
RADDS Radar Display and Distribution Systems.
RADHAZ Radiation hazard.
RATCF DAIR Radar Air Traffic Control Facility
DAIR system uses the AN/TPX-42A(V)10 and is
known as a type 10 system.
RF Radio Frequency.
RFI Radio frequency interference.