2-M Microminiature electronic repair.
2D RADAR Two dimensional; the radar provides
information on two separate coordinates (usually
range and azimuth).
3D RADAR Three dimensional; the radar provides
information on three separate coordinates (usually
range, azimuth, and altitude).
A/D Analog/digital.
AATC DAIR Amphibious air traffic control DAIR uses
an AN/TPX-42A(V)12 and is known as a type 12 system.
AAW Antiair Warfare.
ACLS Autostatic Carrier Landing System.
ADT Automatic detection and tracking.
AFC Automatic frequency control.
AIC Air intercept control.
AMW Amphibious warfare.
AOA Amphibious objective area.
APG Azimuth pulse generator.
APL Allowance parts list.
ASAC Antisubmarine aircraft control.
ASM Antiship missile.
ASUW Antisurface warfare.
ASW Antisubmarine warfare.
ATC Air traffic control.
ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System.
ATD Automatic target detection.
BIT Built-in-test.
BITE Buih-in-test equipment.
CAC Command and control.
CAP Combat Air Patrol.
CATCC Carrier Air Traffic Control Center.
CATCC DAIR Carrier Air Traffic Control Center
DAIR system uses a AN/TPX-42A(V)8 and is
known as a type 8 system.
CCA Carrier controlled approach.
CCS Central computer subsystem.
CDO Command duty officer.
CFAR Constant false alarm rate.
CIC Combat information center.
CM Corrective maintenance.
CPA Closest point of approach to other surface craft
or aircraft.
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
CRT Cathode ray tube.
CSLC Coherent sidelobe canceler.
CSTOM Combat Systems Technical Operations
CW Continuous wave.
DAIR Direct Altitude and Identity Readout. The
standard DAIR system uses an AN/TPX-42A(V)5
and is known as a type 5 system.
DCSC Digital coherent sidelobe canceler.
DFS Direct fleet support.
DMTI Digital moving target indicator.
DOP Designated overhaul point.
DRA Dead reckoning analyzer.
DUCTING The increased bending of radar waves as
they pass through abnormal atmospheric
ECM Electronic countermeasures.
EED Electro-explosive devices.
EIMB Electronics Installation and Maintenance
EMCON Emissions control.
EME Electromagnetic radiation environment.
EMI Electromagnetic interference.
ET Electronics Technician.
FC Fire Control Technician.