The JTIDS Terminal
The JTIDS terminal used in Link-16 is the
AN/URC-107(V)7. This is an advanced radio system
that provides secure, jam-resistant, digital data and
voice communication among a large number of users.
This radio system combines the functions performed
by the Link-11 crypto device, data terminal set, and
radio into one cabinet. Many other capabilities are
also incorporated in the radio. These added
capabilities include the following:
Precise participant location and identification
Relative navigation
Secure voice
Built-in test
Shipboard Terminal
Figure 7-7.The AN/URC-107(V)7 JTIDS data terminal.
7-7. The components of the JTIDS terminal include
the Digital Data Processor Group (DDPG), the
The AN/URC-107(V)7 JDIDS terminal is a single
five drawer electronics cabinet, as shown in figure
Receiver/Transmitter Group (R/T), the High-
Power Amplifier Group (HPAG), and the Power
Interface Unit (PIU). The Secure Data Unit (SDU)
Figure 7-8.The JTIDS terminal functional block diagram.
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