ReliabilityDesigned to be operational more
than 99% of the time, including the periods of poor
CountermeasuresBecause of antenna directiv-
ity, the system is difficult to jam. Additionally, the sys-
tem should not be susceptible to nuclear disturbances of
the ionosphere.
ApplicationBecause of the bandwidth capa-
bility and minimum site requirements, los is well
adapted to moderate distance point-to-point multichan-
nel communications (with repeaters), transmission of
closed circuit TV, transmission of radar information
from outlying sites, communications relay between
locations in congested areas, and antenna farms.
At microwave frequencies, the atmosphere has a
scattering effect on electromagnetic fields that allows
for over-the-horizon communications. This type of
communications is called tropospheric scatter, or
troposcatter for short. Troposcatter takes place mostly
at low altitudes, but some effect takes place at altitudes
of up to 10 miles. Under the right conditions,
troposcatter can take place over hundreds of miles.
A tropospheric scatter microwave system consists
of one or more point-to-point hops (or sections). Each
hop is designed so it can be integrated into the
worldwide communications network of the Defense
Communications System (DCS). Troposcatter links
have the following characteristics:
PropagationFree space as affected by the tro-
Communications capacity/bandwidthUp to
600 4-kHz voice channels; wideband, can accept TV.
RangeUp to 800 km (500 statute miles).
RF PowerHigh; up to 75 kilowatts depending
upon bandwidth, quality, and range.
CoveragePoint-to-point only.
AntennasBoth transmitting and receiving
antennas are horn-driven paraboloids providing high
gain and narrow beam widths.
ReliabilityDesigned to be operational more
than 99% of the time, including periods of poor propa-
CountermeasuresExtremely difficult to jam.
Should not be susceptible to nuclear disturbances of the
ApplicationMeets the communications re-
quirements between HF sites within its minimum
skywave one-hop distance of about 400 miles and line-
of-site of about 30 miles. It is especially useful where
conditions prevent the use of line-of-sight communica-
tions or if adverse propagation conditions interfere with
other transmission methods.
As we mentioned earlier, the rf spectrum has
become very congested. The maximum number of
transmissions taking place in the rf spectrum is being
increased through the use of m u l t i p l e x i n g .
Multiplexing refers to the simultaneous transmission
of two or more messages over the same medium or
channel at the same time. Multiplexing may be
achieved in various ways, but the most common meth-
ods are time-division multiplexing (tdm) and fre-
quency-division multiplexing (fdm). Although several
types of multiplexing equipment are available in the
fleet today, the AN/UCC-1D is the most common.
Time-Division Multiplexing (Tdm) is a method of
combining analog signals for serial transfer. The signals
are sampled at intervals and interwoven for transmis-
sion. The speed of this multiplexed signal is faster than
the original individual channel speed by a multiple
equal to the number of combined signals. For example,
if 5 signals are multiplexed, the data speed of each sig-
nal must be multiplied by 5 to keep the signals in syn-
chronization. Tdm also results in an increase in the
signal bandwidth because of the increased data speed.
Time-division multiplexing also can be used with
digital signals, but this method is usually called
synchronous multiplexing.
Unlike tdm, which samples a portion of the sine
wave, frequency-division multiplexing (fdm)
transmits and receives for the full 360 degrees of the
sine wave. A channel is subdivided into smaller
segments of equal size, called subchannels. Each
subchannel carries a separate signal. Fdm used by the
Navy can generally be divided into two categories,
voice and tty communications. You can find more
information on multiplexing in NEETS, volume 17.