Figure 3-7.Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD Form 1149.
division representative at the time the request is
Most material requirements are requisitioned on
submitted for an equipment-related repair part.
The DD Form 1348 (fig. 3-6), DOD Single Line
Item Requisition System Document, designed to meet
MILSTRIP requirements, is discussed in Military
Requirements for Petty Officer Third Class,
NAVEDTRA 12044. You will be using DD Form 1348s
and your ready reference list of codes (NAVSUP
Publication 409) as you order the items you need.
Here are a few reminders as you use the forms:
Prepare the DD Form 1348 by typewriter or ballpoint
pen. Do not use pencil because pencil marks can cause
errors when the requisition is processed through
mark-sensing equipment at shore activities. In preparing
requisitions, you do not need to space the entries within
the tic marks printed on the forms, but you must make
the entries within the proper data blocks. Remember to
use the communication symbol to indicate zero on
MILSTRIP requisitions.
The DD Form 1348 requires the same information
as the NAVSUP Form 1250 but in a different order.
DD Form 1348. However, certain items are excluded
from MILSTRIP and are ordered on DD Form 1149
(figure 3-7, included here for your review) unless
otherwise indicated.
A SERVMART is a self-service store operated by a
shore supply activity and is stocked with items
frequently required by most departments. Most
SERVMARTs prepare a shopping guide that lists the
items carried in the SERVMART. Also, most
SERVMARTs provide a shopping list on which you can
write the names of items you want.
The use of standard forms such as a DD 1149 may
be required at certain supply activities, while at others
no listing of items is required.
If a DD form 1348 is required, make up your
shopping list; then prepare the DD Form 1348. The
money value limit for the shopping list and the
authorized signature are entered in the Remarks
portion of the requisition. The money limit shown is
equal to the total amount of the supporting shopping list,
plus an additional 10 percent to allow for price