Figure 3-5.Information supplied by the division representative on NAVSUP Form 1250 or 1250-1.
Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP)
requisitioning document for procuring material or
services from a submarine tender, submarine base, a
combat store ship (AFS), a naval supply center, or the
Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC)
Philadelphia. Submarine tenders and bases use the
NAVSUP Form 1250 as an invoice for material supplied
to supported units of the submarine forces.
NAVSUP Forms 1250 and 1250-1 were developed
to meet two needs: (1) to improve inventory control
procedures, and (2) to report consumption under the
Maintenance Data System (MDS). Be sure to follow the
general instructions given below whenever you prepare
a NAVSUP Form 1250 or 1250-1:
1. Use a ball-point pen or typewriter.
Annotate each entry in the proper data block.
To avoid confusion between the numeral 0 and
the letter O, use the communication symbol for
zeros, which is 0 with a slash through it from.
upper right to lower left.
Because of the changing nature of the various forms
mentioned in the text that follows, we have not
attempted to define the proper procedures for falling
them out.
A division supply petty officer determines the
material a division requires, then prepares the NAVSUP
Form 1250/1250-1. Figure 3-5 shows the NAVSUP
1250/1250-1 with the data that must be provided by the