The administration of the test equipment program
involves many areas; inventory, procurement, and
disposal; calibration and repair; and stowage and
handling. As a senior technician, you are expected to be
able to manage this program. To do this properly, you
must have a working knowledge of the various Navy
programs that affect the administration of test
equipment. In this chapter, both TAMS and test
equipment will be referred to as test equipment.
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command,
along with Naval Electronic Systems Engineering
Activities and Centers, was established to replace the
abolished NAVMAT and NAVELEX. However, the
references you will use may still bear the names of
NAVMAT and NAVELEX. Keep this change in mind as
you read this chapter.
The inventory of assigned test equipment is directly
related to the Ship Configuration and Logistics Support
Information System (SCLSIS). The allowance of test
equipment for a ship is contained in the Ships Portable
Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment Requirements List
(SPETERL). The SPETERL identifies the latest known
requirements for Portable Electrical/Electronic Test
Equipment (PEETE). New SPETERLs are forwarded
to the commands before the start of any shipyard
overhaul and before the start of any availability in which
major electronic change-outs will occur. A sample page
from a SPETERL that covers some test equipment for
ET systems is shown in figure 7-2. You can compare
SCLSIS documents to the SPETERL and thus identify
both excesses and deficiencies. You should also
compare the SPETERL and SCLSIS with the
Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment Index, NAVSEA
ST 000-AA-IDX-010/PEETE, for subcategories
(SCATs) applicable to installed equipment. We will look
more carefully at this index later on.
You need to keep careful inventory and distribution
records of test equipment to maintain effective use,
maintenance, and calibration status information. You
cannot do this with just the SCLSIS and SPETERL
inventory listing because test equipment distribution
and user location will change between validations; test
equipment is transferred between work centers; and test
equipment is replaced because of failure, calibration
needed, and similar reasons. To maintain a good
Figure 7-2.-SPETERL sample page.