Weapon Systems File (WSF). The SCLSI database,
which was formerly the WSF Download database, is the
master configuration file for all Navy ships.
SCLSIS Data Input Path
Data is put into SCLSIS according to 3-M reporting
procedures. The data flow is from the ship to the
TYCOM and then to the Central Data Exchange (CDE)
at the Naval Sea Logistics Center (NAVSEALOGCEN).
The CDE consolidates the configuration and logistics
data and routes it to the appropriate Configuration Data
Manager (CDM). Figure 2-7 shows the SCLSIS data
flow for an operational ship.
The CDM is the single activity responsible for the
accuracy and maintenance of the configuration data for
a ship class. All data entries into the WSF/SCLSI
database are made directly by the CDM. The CDM
conducts any research necessary on information
submitted for inclusion in the database and then updates
the SCLSI database.
As custodian of the SCLSI database, SPCC
processes transactions as directed by the CDM,
calculates allowance changes and extracts related
supply support information. All SCLSI database
updates, whether initiated by the ship or the CDM, cause
an output from the SCLSI database to go to the ship.
SPCC also passes back to the ship all supply support
changes, including new and revised Allowance Parts
Lists (APL), and National Item Identification Number
(NIIN) changes. Response to Coordinated Shipboard
Allowance List (COSAL) Feedback Reports are passed
from the SPCC to the ship in the same process. In
addition, the data base provides Shipboard Nontactical
ADP Program (SNAP) databases and data to other fleet
and shore activities who require authoritative
configuration and logistics information.
Scope of SCLSIS
The scope of SCLSIS includes all con-
figuration-worthy items necessary for the operation,
Figure 2-7.SCLSIS Organizational Data Flow (Operational Ships).