The Navy must produce the maximum combat
readiness with the dollar resources available. For this
reason, and because of the high cost of manpower, each
billet requirement must be stated at the minimum skill
and experience levels necessary for satisfactory
performance of billet functions.
Billet reviews are conducted periodically at the
CNO level. In these reviews, decisions are made based
upon the existing classification of each billet as
indicated on Manpower Authorizations (OPNAV Form
1000/2, previously explained.) Improperly classified
billets become the lowest priority billets in the category
in which they are classified. Consequently, if the
objective is to delete or redistribute billets, improperly
classified billets are prime candidates for deletion or
The manpower requirements and manpower
classifications within each Navy activity are specifically
reviewed at the activity level annually to ensure the
deletion of unnecessary billets or positions and the
proper classification of each authorized billet or
position. If changes are required, a Manpower
Authorization Change Request (OPNAV 1000/4A) is
submitted. If changes to the designator rating, grade, or
number of billets and/or positions are requested, the
requests must be justified in terms of changes in mission,
function, and task, as contained in the required
operational capability (ROC) or shore required
operational capabilities (SHOROC) statement. If a billet
is currently classified improperly, the misclassification
must be explained.
Manpower Authorization Change Requests are
normally submitted annually. More frequent requests
must be justified on the basis of changes in mission or
functions beyond the control of the activity.
Valid requirements for billet changes that will
require the movement of personnel must be identified
and requested as early as feasible to permit orderly
personnel management. Normally, 5 to 9 months time
is required after final billet approval before new or
changed billets can be filled with personnel. Manpower
Authorization Change Requests that involve an activity
reorganization are planned and submitted on the basis
of the existing number of billets.
The Billets Authorized (BA) column on the MPA
(refer to fig. 2-5, block 32) indicates the billets
authorized by the CNO. The quantity assigned to each
billet authorized on the MPA is normally the same as the
corresponding billet in the SMD. SMD billet
requirements, which are not included in the Billet
Authorized (BA) column on the MPA, are entered on
the MPA as Mobilization Billets, the majority of which
will be reflected in the Selected Reserve column (SR -
block 39).
What does all of this mean to you? You as a
supervisor, play a very important part in the process. You
must continually work with your personnel specialist to
ensure that billet and personnel requirements for your
shop are accurately reflected in ship manning
documents. By keeping your shops manning
requirements up to date, you will help to keep your
ships manning requirements up to date.
Check the MPA to ensure that all of the Navy
enlisted classifications (NECs) listed in the MPA that
pertain to your shop are current and correct. It is
especially important to make sure that the NECs
required to support new installations are requested and
that old NECs no longer required are deleted. Have a
Short Form Change Request to the MPA submitted when
you find a discrepancy.
Whenever you work with the MPA, use
OPNAVINST 1000.16, Manual of Navy Total Force
Manpower Policies and Procedures as a reference.
Article 903 contains all of the information and
procedures necessary to initiate a Short Form Change
Request (military only).
An EDVR is a statement of an activitys personnel
accounthow many assigned, what rates, what NECs,
and so on. The Enlisted Personnel Management Center
(EPMAC) publishes an up-to-date EDVR for every
command monthly. You will see and use the EDVR
often, more so than the MPA or SMD. As an ET1 or ETC,
you will work closely with the EMO to determine NEC
manning and personnel losses and gains, and to initiate
any necessary changes to the EDVR.
The purpose of the EDVR is to provide
a rate or NEC summary of the current and future
manning status of the activity,
a common reference point in any discussion of
manning status between the manning or detailing
control authorities and the activity,
a statement of account for verification by the
activity, and
a permanent historical record at the Bureau of
Naval Personnel (BUPERS) of an activitys