personnel account for statistical uses and overall
Section 2.
Navy manning.
The EDVR printout is divided into nine sections.
Sections 1 through 3 contain information on members
that has been extracted from the activity account and that
requires special attention or action by the activity.
Section 4 contains the total personnel account of the
Section 3.
activity, including those members reflected in sections
1 through 3. Sections 5 through 8 contain only statistical
Section 4.
and authorized billet information. Section 9 contains
information about NEC management; it lists names and
up to five NECs that the service member may hold.
The following list will provide you with a basic
description of each section of the EDVR:
Section 1. Prospective Gains (PG). Lists all
members who have currently been
Section 5.
ordered to report to your activity within
the next 7 months.
Prospective Losses. Lists all members
who should have been detached or are
expected to be detached from the
activity within the next 7 months. Career
and noncareer EAOS (end of active
obligated service) losses are also listed.
Personnel On Board for Temporary
Duty or Assigned in a Deserter Status.
Total Personnel On Board and Rating
NEC Summary. Lists all members in the
activitys personnel account, regardless
of their loss, gain, or duty status. When
a member also appears in one of the
three preceding sections, the section in
which the member is listed is displayed
in item AA of the EDVR. See figure 2-6.
Personnel Status Summary. A numerical
summary of the activitys personnel
account showing authorized billets, the
Figure 2-6.Example of EDVR format (Section 4).