Figure 3-8.SERVMART shopping list and covering DD Form 1348.
variations. Figure 3-8 shows a sample shopping list and
an MVO (money-value-only) requisition.
At some SERVMARTs credit cards are used.
These cards are issued to activities frequently using the
SERVMART and satisfy the same requirement as the
DD Form 1348, thereby eliminating the need for this
MVO requisition.
The MRIL is a consolidation of many individual
repair lists that have been developed to make it easier to
identify and return mandatory turn-in items. The MRIL
is published every month. The MRIL shown in figure
3-9 is divided into two basic parts.
Part 1Listing of Items
Part 2Shipping Addresses
Materials assigned cognizance codes E, R, and V
are not included in the MRIL. Repairable items in these
cognizance codes are listed in the Master Repair List of
Navy Aeronautical Materials.
You should already be familiar with the basic
description of the mandatory turn-in repairable
program from completing Military Requirements for
Petty Officer Third Class, NAVEDTRA 12044. The
knowledge you have should enable you to answer the
following questions concerning the turn-in system: