Section VII
Summarizes paygrades by each organiza-
tional component showing the totals for
each division and department. There is a
single- line entry for each skill level (rating,
paygrade, primary NEC, and secondary
NEC) at the division level. Each
department starts at the top of a new page.
Summary of organizational manpower
requirements. A three-part section that
summarizes and displays billet
information contained in previous
Part IShows the officer, chief petty
officer (E-7, E-8, and E-9), and other
enlisted billets in the document.
Part IIShows the apportionment of
enlisted skills by paygrade, including
petty officers (E-4 and above),
designated strikers (for example,
DSSN, ETSN, and FCSN), and
nonrated personnel (for example SN
and FN).
Part III-Shows paygrade summary of
all enlisted billet requirements on a
shipwide basis. This summary is
identical to that shown at the end of
Section VI (Part 02).
Even though you will probably not be directly
involved with manpower authorization changes, you
should have some knowledge of manpower
The SMD (ship manpower document) discussed
earlier is the basis for the Manpower Authorization
(MPA), OPNAV 1000/2 (fig. 2-5). Proper classification
of authorized billets is extremely important in defining
the Navys overall manpower requirements. The
numbers of billets throughout the Navy are summed by
the various classification categories. These figures
provide the basis for recruiting, training, and promoting
Navy personnel.
Figure 2-5.Sample page from the Manpower Authorization.