1. In the manual submode the operator can
manually activate the fire stop and thereby stop
the GTM when a fire is detected.
Procedures for handling generator casualties among
2. In the logic submode the system electronics
different types of ships differ because of differences in
activates the fire stop sequence once it detects a
their prime movers. The following casualties are
representative of the types you might find when working
NOTE: The fire stop sequence is disabled when the
with gas turbine generators. When there is a difference
system is in battle override.
in procedures, you must follow the EOSS/EOP for your
Regardless of which mode is used to stop a gas
turbine engine, the EOOW/CCS must be notified
immediately when any casualty to equipment in the
Unusual Noise or Vibration in the Gas Turbine
engineering spaces occurs. Quick, clear
defense to avoiding turning any situation from bad to
Any unusual noise or vibration in the gas turbine
generator (GTG) must be investigated immediately, An
untended condition could cause further damage or
Some of the casualties that can affect gas turbine
complete loss of a unit that has only needed minor
systems are very closely related to those of ships with
different propulsion and power generating systems.
Some of those casualties are listed in the following
Once unusual noise or vibration is reported, the
following steps should be taken: