Figure 2-28.Coaxial dipole.
Figure 2-29.AS-2815/SSR-1 fleet broadcast
satellite receiving antenna.
it to rotate 360 degrees and to elevate from near
horizontal to approximately 20 degrees beyond zenith
(elevation angles from +2 to +110 degrees). The
antenna tracks automatically in azimuth and manually
in elevation. Frequency bands are 248-272 MHz for
receive and 292-312 MHz for transmit. Polarization
is right-hand circular for both transmit and receive.
Antenna gain characteristics are nominally 12 dB in
transmit and 11 dB in receive.
The AN/WSC-5(V) shore station antenna (fig. 2-32)
consists of four OE-82A/WSC-1(V) backplane
assemblies installed on a pedestal. This antenna is
intended for use with the AN/WSC-5(V) transceiver
at major shore stations.
The antenna is oriented
manually and can be locked in position to receive
maximum signal strength upon capture of the satellite
signal. Hemispherical coverage is 0 to 110 degrees
above the horizon. Polarization is right-hand circular
in both transmit and receive. The antennas operating
frequency range is 240 to 318 MHz. With its mount,