Textbook Assignment: Computer Components and Circuits, chapter 4, pages 4-1 through 4-23.
A computer has a total of how many states
in its binary system?
1. One only
2. Two only
3. Three only
4. Four
The digital functions and operations of a
computer are based upon what
mathematical concept?
1. Calculus
2. Trigonometry
3. Logic algebra
4. Plane geometry
You have been assigned to maintain a set
of computers. What must you understand
about the computers to successfully
accomplish your assignment?
1. What comprises the computers
2. How the components makeup the
computers fictional areas
3. How to determine if a particular
component is malfunctioning
4. All of the above
On input data, a computer performs which
of the following types of general functions?
1. Calculus only
2. Geometric only
3. Trigonometric and geometric only
4. Arithmetic and logical
What basis is used to determine the logic
circuits to be used in a particular computer?
1. The computers requirements
2. The skills of the operator
3. The computers location
4. The soffware to be used
Which publication lists standard
1. NEETS, Module 7
2. NEETS, Module 14
3. ANSI/IEEE 91-1984
4. MIL-STD-1562
Which of the following publications
discusses Boolean algebra?
1. NEETS, Module 9
2. NEETS, Module 13
3. NEETS, Module 19
4. MIL-M-38510
To study wave-generation, you should refer
to which of the following publications?
1. NEETS, Module 9
2. NEETS, Module 19
3. ANSI/IEEE 91-1984
4. ANSI/IEEE 991-198
Standard graphic symbols for logic
functions are found in which of the
following publications?
1. NEETS, Module 7
2. NEETS, Module 14
3. ANSI/IEEE 91-1984
4. MIL-M-38510