Textbook Assignment: Computer Configuration and Hardware, chapter 2continued, pages 2-13 to
2-27; Computer Operator Controls and Controlling Units,
pages 3-1 through 3-15.
How do manufacturers key subassemblies
to avoid incorrect installation?
1. They tag the subassembly with the
connect location
2. They write the location on the part
with indelible ink
3. They make the designation very clear
in the technical manual
4. They cut a slot in the side of the pcb
or put plastic sheeting on one or more
connector pins
All subassemblies are repairable at the
work station.
1 . T r ue
2. False
The majority of a computers functional
areas consists of which of the following
1. Motherboards
2. Power drivers
3. Random access memories
4. Printed circuit boards
What factor determines the number of
printed circuit boards required for a
particular computer?
1. Type of computer
2. Portability of computer
3. Accessibility of one computer to
another computer
4. Danger of electronic emissions near
the work station
The arrangement of pcbs in a computer is
dictated by which of the following factors?
1. Type of computer
2. Purpose of the computer
3. Location of the computer
4. Software programs to be used
Keying pcbs is done for which of the
following reasons?
To ensure that the pcb is inserted
correctly only
To ensure that a different card type is
not inserted into an incorrect slot only
To ensure that the pcb is inserted
correctly and to ensure that a different
card type is not inserted into an
incorrect slot
To facilitate ease of location in an
emergency situation
You should know the color codes of pcbs.
You will find these color codes explained
in which of the following publications?
1. NEETS, Module 3
2. NEETS, Module 4
3. NEETS, Module 19
4. NEETS, Module 21
LEDs are used for which of the following
maintenance functions on pcbs?
1. To test voltage levels
2. To test waveforms
3. To tell when equipment is operating
4. Each of the above