EIE External interrupt enable.
EIR External interrupt request.
EL Electroluminescent.
EMI Electromagnetic interference.
ENCODE To convert information into coded form.
EOT End-of-tape mark.
EPROM Electrically programmable read-only
ESA Externally specified address.
ESD Electrostatic discharge.
ESDI Enhanced small device interface. A fixed
disk interface.
ESI Externally specified index.
EVEN PARITY A characteristic of a group of bits
having an even number on binary ONEs.
EW Electronic warfare.
FAT File allocation table.
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
FERRITE A powdered and compressed ferric
oxide material that has both magnetic properties
and light resistance to current flow.
FET Field-effect transistor. A voltage operated
FF Flip-flop.
FHLT SYSTEMS Force High-Level Terminal Sys-
FIBER OPTICS Conductors or optical waveguides
that readily pass light.
FIFO First-in, first-out.
FILO First-in, last-out.
FIRMWARE Program instructions stored in read-
only memory (ROM) or programmable read-
only memory (PROM).
FIT Fault isolation table.
FLUX DENSITY The number of magnetic lines of
force passing through a given area.
FLUX In electrical or electromagnetic devices, a
general term used to designate collectively all
the electric or magnetic lines of force in a
FM Frequency modulation.
FONT A family or assortment of characters of a
given size and style.
FORMAT The arrangement or layout of data in or
on a data medium.
FORTRAN FORmula Translation programming
fpi Frames per inch.
FREQUENCY The number of complete cycles per
second existing in any form of wave motion,
such as the number of cycles per second of an
alternating current.
FTA Fast-time analyzer.
GAIN Any increase or decrease in the strength of
a signal.
GPIB General-Purpose Interface Bus.
GRAY CODE A binary code in which sequential
numbers are represented by binary expressions,
each of which differs from the preceding
expression in one place only. Synonymous with
reflected binary code.
HARD COPY A permanent copy of a display
image that is portable and can be read by
human beings.
HARDWARE Physical equipment as opposed to
programs (software), procedures, rules, and