reflected signals to reach the navigation set at different
times than the original signal. The reception of multipath
signals may cause errors in the navigation set
calculations. The AN/WRN-6 navigation set makes
operators aware of multipath errors by a fail or warn
message and/or fluctuations in the carrier-to-noise ratio.
Multipath reception may be corrected by changing the
ships position.
AN/WRN-6(V) Satellite Signals Navigation Set
The Satellite Signals Navigation Set AN/WRN-
6(V)computes accurate position coordinates, elevation,
speed, and time information from signals transmitted by
NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. In
the P mode, it has an accuracy of 16 meters. In the C/A
C/A mode. it has an accuracy of 100 meters, though
better results have been obtained by individual users.
The AN/WRN-6(V), shown in figure 1-13, operates in
three modes.
The Initialization mode is part of the set start-up.
During initialization, the operator tests current position,
date, and time data, either manually or from other
equipment. The data entered is used to speed up satellite
Navigation is the normal operating mode. During
the navigation mode, the set receives satellite data,
Figure 1-13.Satellite Navigation Set AN/WRN-6(V).