surface targets and low-flying aircraft and (2) determine
their range and bearing. Some of the more commonly
used surface search and navigation radars in the Navy
are the AN/SPS-10, AN/SPS-67(V), AN/SPS-64(V)9,
and AN/SPS-55. Since the AN/SPS-10 will soon be
replaced by the similar AN/SPS-67(V), we will not
discuss the AN/SPS-10 in this chapter.
The AN/SPS-67(V) radar is a two-dimensional
(azimuth and range) pulsed radar set primarily designed
for surface operations. It can also detect
antiship-missiles (ASM) and low-flying aircraft. The
AN/SPS-67(V)1 is the primary surface search and
navigation radar, with limited air search capability, for
the following types of ships:
On DDG51 class ships, the AN/SPS-67(V)3 radar
performs navigation, station keeping and general
surface search duties.
Additionally, the
AN/SPS-67(V)3 supports the combat systems as shown
Primary combat mission (ASUW)provides a
quick reaction, automated target detection and
track capability
Secondary combat mission (AAW)detects low
elevation (conventional) threats.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPS-67(V) radar set operates in the 5450-
to 5825-MHz frequency range, using a coaxial
magnetron as the transmitter output tube. To enhance
radar performance for specific operational or tactical
situations, the receiver-transmitter can operate in a long
(1.0 %sec), medium (0.25 %sec), or short (0.10 %sec)
pulse mode. The corresponding pulse repetition
frequencies (prf) are 750, 1200, and 2400.
The AN/SPS-67(V)3 version has a new, high data
rate, nuclear survivable, low-profile antenna and
pedestal assembly that replaces the AN/SPS-10 antenna
and pedestal assembly. In addition, the synchro signal
amplifier function is integrated into the radar.
Some special operating features included in the
AN/SPS-67(V) radars areas follows:
Automatic Frequency Control (AFC)
Automatic tuning
Fast Time Constant (FTC)
Interference Suppression (IS)
Anti-log circuit (Target Enhance)
Sensitivity Time Control (STC)
Video Clutter Suppression (VCS)
Built-In-Test (BIT) Equipment
Sector Radiate (SR)
Ships Heading Marker (SHM)
Jitter mode
Stagger mode
The following additional special operating
functions are included in the AN/SPS-67(V)3 model:
Synthesized Channel Frequency Selection
RF Sensitivity Time Control (RFSTC)
Antenna bearing squint correction
Digital relative to true bearing conversion
Full-time relative and true bearing synchro
output at the ante ma controller
Relative or true bearing synchro output
selectable at the Radar Set Control (RSC) for the
video processor unit
Digital Moving Target Indicator (DMTI)
Selectable environmental sector
Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) threshold
gating by external control
Centroid function
Track function
Coherent EMI suppression in the DMTI channel
Jam strobe detection
Wraparound test by external control
Target selectable threshold gating by external or
internal control