Figure 5-16.A net stoppage caused by NCS not receiving
a stop code.
Figure 5-17 shows several PUs not responding to
call-ups. Some of the causes for this condition could
be the following: NCS having an incorrect PU
address entered in the DTS, low transmitter power out
from NCS, an excessively noisy frequency, or weak
PU receivers.
Figure 5-17.Several PUs not responding to NCS call-ups.
The LMS-11 also has several off-line modes that
allow you to save data onto a disk and analyze the
data in detail. The off-line modes include a frame-by-
frame display to analyze each frame of a transmission.
This allows you to analyze the data of a particular PU
and shows the status of each bit position. Remember
that when you are doing a frame-by-frame analysis,
the data has not been decrypted.
More information on all modes of the LMS-11 can
be found the System Operation and Maintenance
Instructions, Organization Level, Link Monitor
System AN/TSQ-162(V)1, EE-190-AB-OMI-010/TSQ-