Figure 3-12.DAMA-configured Secure Voice Subsystem.
Supporting the control subsystem are NCTAMS,
NCTS, the USAF Satellite Operations Center, and
contractor-operated control facilities.
The key to controllability lies in having many
points for sensing the status of subsystems and
equipment operation. Status data may be collected by
operators or by special facilities or equipment. There
are many points within each subsystem where
subsystem and equipment operational status is
collected. Also, several subsystems/systems have the
ability to provide a printout of status information.
Transmission of status data from the NCTAMS,
NCTS, and USAF Satellite Operations Center is via
teletypewriter order wire. The Naval Computer and
Telecommunications Command maintains a
substantial quantity of updated status data in computer
files. A diagram of the Control Subsystem is shown in
figure 3-15.