GUI graphic user interface.
HF high frequency.
HVPS high voltage power supply.
HZ hertz.
I/O input/output.
IFF/SIF identification, friend or foe/selective
identification feature.
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution
J-SERIES MESSAGE The fixed format
messages containing tactical data and
commands that are used to exchange
information over the JTIDS system.
LCD liquid crystal display.
LCLV liquid crystal light valve.
LED indicator light-emitting diode indicator.
LINK-4A The tactical digital data link for
controller-to-controlled aircraft
LINK-11 The tactical digital data link for
communications among a multiple number of
LINK-16 The tactical digital data link for
communications among a multiple number of
units. This link is a secure, jam resistant,
nodeless, high-capacity link that uses the
JTIDS terminal.
LSB Lower Side Band.
LSD large screen display.
LVPS low voltage power supply.
MDA Monochrome Display Adapter.
M-SERIES MESSAGES Link-11 messages.
NCS Net Control Station.
NCT Net Cycle Time.
NICP Network Interface Control Program.
N-SERIES MESSAGES The normalized
messages exchanged between the C2P
computer and the ADCS computer.
NTDS naval tactical data system.
ODR output data request.
OJT on-the-job training.
OSC operations summary console.
PA/SG pulse amplifier/symbol generator.
PC personal computer.
PEFT peripheral equipment functional test.
PIO peripheral I/O
PIXEL picture element.
PMS planned maintenance system.
POFA programmed operational functional
PPI plan position indicator.
PPLI precise participant location and
PPU projection plotting unit.
PROM programmable read-only memory.
PU participating unit.
RAC radar azimuth converter.
RAM random access memory.
RC Roll Call.
RDDS radar data distribution switchboard.
RELNAV relative navigation.
RF radio frequency.
RGB red, blue, green.
ROM read-only memory.
ROM BIOS ready-only memory basic input
output system.
R-SERIES MESSAGES Link-4A messages
from the controlled aircraft that are sent in
response to a control message.