Figure 2-24.Transceiver AN/PRC-104.
transmission of tty or other data. It can be used in the
man-pack configuration or can be configured for
vehicular or fixed station operation.
Unlike older radio sets, there are no front panel
meters or indicator lights on the AN/PRC-104. All
functions are monitored by the radio itself and
communicated through the handset in the form of
audio tones. This is extremely useful during tac-
tical black-out operations. Newer versions of the
AN/PRC-104 have modified the R/T section of the
radio, but the above information still applies.
The AN/PRC-l13 is a two-band (vhf and uhf)
amplitude modulated transmitter-receiver, which
operates at 116.0 through 149.975 MHz in the vhf band
and 225.0 through 399.975 Mhz in the uhf band.
When interfaced with TSEC/KY-57 crypto