Table 3-1.Description of Contents of Columns of COSAL Index
Equipment/Component Military
Essentiality Code
2. Equipment/Component/Equipage
Identification Number
4. Quantity
Column Number
7. Allowance Support Code
8. Service Application/Information
Ship Type and Hull Number
10. Date
11. Allowance Support Codes
12. Page
*Refer to Figure 3-2.
Indicates those items of equipment that are essential to the
ships mission.
V - Vital. Failure of the equipment could reduce the
ships capability to perform its mission.
NV - Nonvital. Failure of the equipment would not adversely
affect the ships mission.
The noun name and partial characteristic description of each
APL and AEL.
The APL or AEL identification number.
The quantity of each equipment/component per service aboard
ship, covered by the applicable APL. Column 4 will be
blank for all AELs.
The applicable AEL column number from which the allowance is
determined. This column is blank for all APLs.
A code that indicates specific information about an APL/AEL
entry. These codes are listed and defined in the Introduc-
Reserved for future use. (See item 11.)
The service or major shipboard function in which the equip-
ment/component/equipage operates or performs a service.
The specific ship for which the COSAL is prepared.
Date of preparation (may be expressed as Julian or month-
day-year date).
Pertains to item 7.
Consecutive page numbering from first page to last. Page
numbers preceded by H apply to Hull, Mechanical and
Electrical (Example H-1). Page numbers preceded by Z
apply to Ordnance(Example Z-1).
PART I-COSAL INDEX.- The Index identifies
the APLs and AELs associated with the ships
equipment. It also provides other information, such as
the code of the work center responsible for the
maintenance and various maintenance-related codes.
The index is published in five parts, sections A through
E. Sections A and B provide a cross-index of all
APL/AELs listed in Part II. They contain the same
information, but in two slightly different formats.
Figure 3-2 shows both the A and B indexes. All areas of
information are in the same relative positions, except
that column 8 in Section A listings shifts over to become
column 1 in section B listings.
The bulk of the information you will need to repair
an item covered by COSAL is contained on the
appropriate APL or AEL. To identify the appropriate
APL or AEL, you will need to look up either the name
of the equipment in Section A or the use of that
equipment infection B.
Table 3-1 describes the uses of the Index columns
and is keyed to the numbers shown in figure 3-2.