Figure 2-2.Department of Transportation hazarous material shipping symbols.
6. Precautions for safe handling and use
7. Control measures, including protective
8. Transportation data
9. Disposal data
10. Label data
Your Hazardous Material Control Program
Manager, Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste
Coordinator, or Safety Officer can provide you with
MSDSs upon request. Ashore, the MSDSs for a work
center will be located within that work area. Aboard
ship, the MSDSs are available through your supervisor.
Safety information on hazardous materials is also
available in chapter C23 of Navy Occupational Safety
and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19.
You must follow the prescribed safety precautions
for the hazardous materials you use or handle in your
workplace. There are requirements for personal
protective equipment, spill response, and disposal of
waste that you need to know. This section will cover
safety precautions for the following types of materials