Figure 2-2.Sample correspondence tickler file card.
action or report, place
completed action file.
Completed Action File
the tickler file card in the
The completed action file contains all of the
correspondence tickler file cards on which action has
been completed. It serves as your record of actions you
have taken or reports you have completed. Store routing
slips in the completed action file by attaching them to
their matching correspondence tickler file card.
Annotate the serial number of a reporting letter or the
JSN of a completed 4790/2K or CK on the bottom of the
correspondence tickler file card for use as a future
You have probably had to research, read, or use
various publications during your career as an ET.
Your reliance on and use of publications will
increase as you advance in rate because you will be
more directly involved in planning, inspections,
reports, and so on.
Today, there are more changes to procedures
because of the ever-increasing sophistication of
our fleet. In addition, many of our traditional
procedures are out-of-date in todays situations. As a
result, we need to read current publications and keep
them for use as reference material as we work with new
Required publications are not listed in this chapter.
However, you can find them listed in the TYCOM
Administration and Material Inspection Lists; the
Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book
(ELWB), General (NAVSEA SE000-00-EIM-100); and
E I M B , G e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e ( N A V S E A
The first step is to see what publications your
division has and if they are useful, up-to-date, required,
and so on. After you know what publications you lack,
see if another division has them or place them on order
as soon as possible.
Keep only the number of copies you really need,
because storage space on a ship is scarce. In addition,
if you have too many pubs, updating or making changes
to them can be quite a problem. Maintain a master
publication inventory (with locations of individual
pubs noted). Also, for each subject publication in the
electronics division, maintain a file card, such as the