problems have been further aggravated by the varied
manufacturing methods and techniques used by
equipment manufacturers. Maintenance personnel must
be properly trained and certified to make high-quality,
reliable repairs to a wide variety of state-of-the-art
electronic printed circuit boards and modules. For these
reasons and others the Miniature/Microminiature (2M)
Electronic Repair Program was developed to provide
the following support:
Proper training in the art of miniature and
microminiature repair
Authorization to procure the tools and equipment
to carry out the goals of the program
Personnel and activity certification conducted by
fleet and type commanders
The 2M program objective is to provide the fleet
with a miniature electronic repair capability at all
maintenance levels, afloat and ashore. The 2M program
also provides a microminiature repair capability on
selected ships, intermediate maintenance activities
(IMAs), and shore facilities. At each activity, repairs are
made to those components that are Source Maintenance
and Recoverability (SM&R) coded on the Allowance
Parts List (APL) for that maintenance level. The 2M
program is also intended to provide organizational and
intermediate level maintenance activities with the
capability to repair, on an emergency basis only,
components coded for discard or depot level
The primary way QA is ensured in the 2M program
is through annual certification of personnel and repair
sites. Inspectors (2M trained) from Mobile Technical
Units (MOTUs) are designated by NAVSEA to inspect
and recertify 2M sites and technicians annually. To be
certified, a site must have onboard two 2M technicians
certified at the appropriate skill level for each 2M repair
station installed.
For station and technician certification
requirements, refer to Certification Plan for 2M/ATE
Program, TE000-AA-PLN-010/2M. This publication
is available from the publications stock point in
Philadelphia, Pa.
Issuance of Identification Cards
When the student/technician has successfully
completed the performance tests, the 2M inspector (i.e.,
MOTU, 2M school) will issue the appropriate ID card,
record its issuance, and forward a completed NAVSEA
2M Program Certification/Recertification card to
2M Inspector Recertification
Each 2M inspector must qualify for recertification
annually by returning to a MOTU. An evaluation/update
is conducted at these sites to discuss any changes to
training course content, AELs, or techniques in the
repair area. The MOTU then makes a recertification
recommendation to NAVSEA. Inspector recertification
then is provided by NAVSEA or its designated
The 2M training courses are conducted at
NAVSEA-sponsored schools at the following locations:
FTC Norfolk, Va,; FTC Charleston, S.C.; FTC Mayport,
Fla.; FTG Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and Advanced
Electronics School at SSC San Diego, Calif.
Initial outfitting for ships (excluding new
construction) is provided by NAVSEA. Other ships,
such as new construction, should obtain their initial
outfitting of equipment through NAVSEA, 2M
Acquisition Engineering Agent, Naval Underseas
Warfare Engineering Station, Keyport, Wash.
Consumable items for 2M repair stations are obtained
via MILSTRIP by the requesting activity.
Additional documents providing information an the
2M Program include the following:
Miniature/Microminiature 2M Electronic
Repair Program, NAVSEAINST 4790.17,
2M Repair Handbook, NAVSEA TE000-AA-
2M Workmanship Standards, NAVSEA TE000-
2M Reference Data, NAVSEA TE000-AA-