SERT authority should be in the area of
organization, as well as in material and personnel
So all personnel can quickly understand combat
system availability during condition I, condition HI, and
in port, the SERT should establish the following lines of
1. During Condition I (general quarters), the STO
should be assigned a general quarters station in
the combat information center (CIC). He should
be able to inform the tactical control officer
(TCO) of the present and changing status of
combat system availability (on a threat basis).
The rest of the SERT should be assigned as
roving evaluators for subsystems with which
they are most familiar. If possible, the roving
evaluators duties should be rotated so SERT
members become familiar with all areas without
affecting the overall operation of the combat
2. During Condition III, at least one SERT
member should be on watch in the CIC, with the
responsibility of reporting combat system status
to the TAO. The rest of the SERT should do their
regular duties of testing, instructing, and
evaluating maintenance activities.
3. In port, at least one SERT member should be
assigned to each duty section so the command
duty officer will know the actual system status
at all times. The knowledge SERT personnel
have must not be confined to a particular
subsystem if the organization is to function
properly during condition III and in port.
SERT Responsibilities
Responsibilities of the SERT are broadly defined as
maintenance management, readiness assessment, and
operational training guidance required to ensure
high-level combat system readiness. Specific
responsibilities of SERT include:
Integrating and managing PMS for the combat
Determining mission-related materiel readiness
Managing the corrective maintenance effort for
the combat system including fault isolation, and
data collection and analysis
Monitoring operational performance during
condition watch exercises and ship or fleet
operational exercises
Evaluating both materiel and operational
readiness of the combat system, and providing
internal or external reports as necessary
PMS Management
PMS management, one of the major functions of the
SERT, includes supervision of actual maintenance
actions and all other efforts required to plan and support
maintenance events. Therefore, the management task
involves controlling all combat system PMS activities,
including PMS tasks for the combat system,
subsystems, and equipment. The SERT provides the
foundation for maintenance through proper planning
and execution.
Certain PMS procedures at the combat system level
are more oriented toward operator proficiency, with
summary observation of combat system performance.
The management guidance in the PMS manual and the
Cycle and Quarterly Schedules are primarily
equipment- and department-oriented. This guidance
provides minimum maintenance requirements for the
subsystems and equipment covered under PMS. The
SERT must manage within such factors as the
interdependence of equipment and subsystems within
the combat system, the variations of available
manpower, and the dedication of subsystems to
operations during conditions I and III.
The scheduling and performance of PMS
(supported by documentation and maintenance training)
leads to fault detection, which provides a basis for
readiness assessment. Maintenance management
ensures that detected faults are isolated and followed by
corrective action. Effective corrective maintenance
includes logistic control and the determination of how
important each corrective maintenance requirement is,
based on parts availability and readiness assessment.
Follow-up action, including verification or retesting,
and complete shipboard and maintenance data
collection reporting for the subsystems close the loop.
Materiel readiness assessment involves performing
tests and operational checks on the system to identify
equipment that is either degraded or nonoperational.
The results of the tests and operational checks are then
used to determine how well the system can perform its