manual is based on the assumption that you are familiar
with the contents of Electronics Technician 3 & 2.
ET Supervisor, NAVEDTRA 12410. This is the
training manual you are studying now.
It provides information you will need as you
perform the tasks stated in the occupational standards
for ET1 and ETC.
The following publications are recommended for
basic information and for advancement. Some of the
training manuals your subordinates may need as they
learn the requirements of their job and prepare for
advancement are discussed briefly in the following
paragraphs. For a complete listing of training manuals,
consult the current List of Training Manuals and
Correspondence Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
(NEETS), a NAVEDTRA series consisting of several
different books. NEETS consists of officer-enlisted
correspondence course assignment booklets and
modules (texts) that present electrical and electronic
subjects on a basic, introductory level. These modules
and courses may be studied sequentially from the
beginning or as individual units on specific subjects,
such as radar or microelectronics.
Mathematics, volumes 1, 2-A, 2-B, and 3,
NAVEDTRA 10069-D1, 10062, 10063, and
10073-A1, respectively. Volume 1 provides a review
of basic arithmetic and elementary algebra; it includes
fractions, decimals, percentages, exponents, radicals,
and logarithms. It also contains exercises in factoring
polynomials, linear equations, ratio, proportions,
variation, complex numbers and quadratic equations.
It presents brief introduction to plane figures,
geometric construction, and trigonometry. Volume
2-A is general in nature. Its subjects include
definitions, notations, and computations with
logarithms; trigonometric ratios, analysis,
applications, and aids to computations; trigonometric
identities; and vectors and forces. Volume 2-B is also
general in nature. Its subjects include straight lines,
conic sections, tangents, normals, slopes;
introduction to differential and integral calculus;
combinations and permutations; and introduction to
probability. Volume 3 provides knowledge in
elements of digital computer mathematicssequence
and series, induction and binomial theorem, statistics,
number systems, sets and subsets, Boolean algebra,
matrices, and determinants.
Tools and Their Uses, NAVPERS 10085-B2. This
training manual covers general uses and approved safety
procedures for Navy hand tools. It also includes
safety precautions, operating practices, and care of
common power tools; operating principles of
measuring instruments and techniques of
measurement; and types of fastening devices and
procedures for using them. It discusses procedures
for sharpening cutting tools; metal cutting
operations and procedures; and techniques of
miscellaneous tasks, such as flaring metal tubing,
removing broken bolts, stripping insulated wire,
soldering, and lubricating.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA
10077-F1. This TRAMAN discusses uses and kinds of
blueprints, language of blueprints, technical sketching,
and gives extensive coverage to electrical and electronic
prints. It includes chapters on piping, machine, sheet
metal, structural, and architectural prints.
You are probably thoroughly familiar with the
Electronics Information Maintenance Books (EIMB)
series of reference publications. However, from time to
time you should review the series, especially the
General Information Handbooks. (Specifically, this is a
series of books consisting of the EIMB General,
Installation Standards, Electronic Circuits, Test
Methods and Practices, Reference Data, EMI
Reduction, and General Maintenance books.) As you
review these books, pay special attention to appendices
and other portions of the books you might have
Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity (NETPMSA), located at
Pensacola, Florida, publishes a very useful set of
pamphlets with information taken from the Manual
of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
NAVPERS 18068, and the Bibliography for
Advancement Study, NAVEDTRA 10052. The
pamphlets, issued yearly, are titled Advancement
Handbook for Petty Officers. Each rating has its own
pamphlet, which lists requirements specifically for that
rating. Besides listing the occupational standards and
the source materials related to those standards, the
pamphlets also contain general information on
advancement. Individuals studying for advancement
should read and study all sources listed in the
bibliography. Examination questions are based on all
sources listed, whether they are required or only