Figure 4-9.Planned maintenance system.
Maintenance Control Board
The maintenance control board contains the Cycle
Schedule and the current and subsequent Quarterly
Schedules. The board summarizes the status of current
and planned combat system preventive maintenance.
Weekly Schedule
The Weekly Schedule is a visual display that is
posted in the working area of each maintenance group.
The maintenance group supervisor uses the Weekly
Schedule to assign specific personnel to perform
maintenance on specific equipment. Assignments
include system and equipment tests and servicing
The Maintenance Data System (MDS) provides a
means of recording maintenance actions, processing the
recorded data to define important facts about
maintenance and equipment, and retrieving information
for analysis. Significant data identified by the system
include the reason the malfunction occurred, how it was
discovered, manhours used in correcting the problem,
exact equipment affected, delays in repair and reasons
for delays, and types of maintenance personnel required.
Maintenance personnel document certain shipboard
maintenance actions and corrective maintenance on
specific categories of equipment at the time they
actually perform or defer the maintenance action.
Information is recorded and put into the MDS using
OPNAV Form 4790/2K, Ships Maintenance Action.