postoverhaul, 2-20
preoverhaul test and inspection (POT&I), 2-20
Integrated maintenance concepts, 4-19
integrated maintenance, 4-22
planned maintenance system, 4-19
Levels of equipment maintenance, 8-1
depot, 8-1
intermediate, 8-1
organizational, 8-1
Organization, 2-1
organization manual, 2-2
organization bill, 2-1
Organizational maintenance, 8-2
operational, 8-2
preventive maintenance, 8-2
technical maintenance, 8-2
Personnel manning, 2-11
enlisted distribution and verification report
(EDVR), 2-14
manpower authorization (MPA), 2-13
ship manpower document (SMD), 2-11
Problem solving, 3-11
Publications, 2-7
technical library, 2-8
validation and inventory, 2-8
Quality Assurance Program, 6-1
components, 6-1
concepts, 6-2
Quality Assurance ProgramContinued
goals, 6-3
link to maintenance, 6-3
Quality assurance requirements, training and
qualification, 6-6
controlled material petty officers, 6-7
division officers, 6-7
quality assurance supervisors, 6-7
quality assurance officer, 6-6
repair officer (RO), 6-7
ship quality control inspectors, 6-7
Quality assurance terms and definitions, 6-8
Quality Assurance Organization, 6-3
ship quality control inspector (SQCI), 6-5
work center controlled material petty officer
(CMPO), 6-6
Records, 2-5
Reporting Procedures, 6-12
Reports, 2-3
anticipated not operationally ready-supply
(ANORS), 2-4
casualty reports (CASREPS), 2-4
defective material, 2-4
eight oclock, 2-4
getting underway, 2-4
survey, 2-5
trouble, 2-3
Safety, 2-23
Ship Configuration and Logistic Support Information
System (SCLSIS), 2-16
Ship Electronics Readiness Team (SERT), 4-12
Standards, 1-3
Supervision, 3-1
duties and responsibilities, 3-2