items in the Navy Supply System are covered only by
reference number descriptions because these items are
very difficult to describe.
There are, however, many items that you can easily
describe by physical characteristics. Included in this
category are many common-use items of nontechnical
nature, such as paint, handtools, nuts and bolts; and
some technical items, such as fuses, resistors, and
electron tubes.
You can find the NIIN for a common-use item with
a noun name/physical characteristics description in the
ASG or GSA catalog. The ASG is sequenced by Federal
Supply Groups and Classes. A noun-name-item number
index for the ASG is contained in the Introduction and
Master Index.
Plant property includes all real property (land or
buildings and improvements) owned by the Navy or for
which the Navy is accountable. This property may be
located at either a Navy shore facility or in the plant of
a private contractor. Plant property also includes all
personal property of a capital nature (equipment) owned
by the Navy. Plant property does not include items of
equipment in storage (items that are carried) in the Navy
Stock Account (NSA) but that have not been issued for
end use. Also it does not include items in the custody
of a unit of the operating forces that are moved with the
unit. As an Electronics Technician carrying out fiscal
and supply duties ashore, you may be called upon to
perform tasks associated with plant property
Identification numbers are used with plant property
items to make the following functions easier:
Selection of specific items for transfer
Physical inventories of equipment
Maintenance of property record card files
Specific identification of equipment items in
shipment orders, invoices, and survey reports
Maintenance of history record cards
Each item of equipment meeting the criteria of plant
property is marked with an identification or registration
number. This number is also recorded on the plant
property record card maintained for that item.
Figure 3-14 is an example of an identification tag
that you may find on a piece of electronic equipment.
Figure 3-14.Sample plant property identification tag.
A ships ability to perform its operational missions
depends to a large extent on the crews ability to keep
the equipment installed on board working as it is
designed to work. To do your job as a technician, you
must have the proper technical manuals, test equipment,
planned maintenance material, and repair parts readily
available for use. One of the Navys efforts to deal with
these requirements and to improve each commands
readiness is called the Integrated Logistics Review
(ILR). Working closely with this program is the
Integrated Logistics Overhaul (ILO) program.
The ILO is scheduled to coincide with upgrades
during overhaul periods. Under the guidance of an
experienced ILO site staff member, called a ship project
manager (SPM), a small number of selected personnel
from the command aide in overhaul work to provide the
command with complete logistics support. This system
includes not only repair parts but also technical manuals
and PMS materials for the equipment installed during
an availability or overhaul.
Integrated logistics support (ILS) audits are
performed on commands that have completed
installation of new or modified systems and equipments
during an overhaul or availability period. The logistics
support planned for these alterations includes audits on
the accuracy of the allowance parts list (APL), the
coordinated shipboard allowance list (COSAL), and
allowance appendix pages (APPs). The correct techni-
cal manual that coincides with the installed equipment
configuration is reviewed. Test equipment required to
perform maintenance functions is determined by
reviewing maintenance requirement cards (MRCs). The
Planned Maintenance System (PMS) documentation
audits include verification of the commands list of
effective pages (LOEP), maintenance index pages
(MIPs), and maintenance requirement cards (MRCs).
The adequacy of personnel training is checked. Spare
parts are sight validated, as are the commands selected