Section II Manpower summary. Shows the number
of officer, enlisted, and civilian manpower
requirements at the deprtmental level.
Section III Manpower requirements. Displays the
ship manpower requirements by
organizational component.
Section IV Battle bill. Shows watch station
requirements for each condition of readiness
prescribed in the required operational
capaility (ROC) and projected operational
environment (POE) statements.
Section V Functional workload. Provides a
summary of all workloads, by category,
that contributed to the billet requirements
in each organizational component.
Section VI Divided into three parts as follows:
Part O I-Summary of officer manpower
officer billets by designator and
paygrade along with totals for both.
(These are shipwide and not related to
organizational components.)
Part 02Summary of enlisted
manpower requirements. Similar to
Part 01, but more detailed. This section
includes a summary for each rating
group (for example, DS, ET, FC, OS,
and RM) in alphabetical order,
showing primary and secondary NECs
and paygrades. At the end of the
section, there is a summary for the
entire activity summarized by pay-
grade only. As in Part 01, the totals and
subtotals are shipwide and not related
to the organizational structure. See
figure 2-4.
Part 2ASummary of enlisted man-
requirements. Provides a summary of
power requirements by department.
Figure 2-4.Sample page from ship manning document (Section VI [Part 02]).