take control immediately. The following basic actions
are normally part of the ECC centers responsibilities:
Establishing immediate communications with
all assigned stations.
Ensuring that all personnel are accounted for
and ready for battle.
Maintaining positive communication with
applicable electronics spaces. This requires making a
communication check (phone check) every 3 minutes if
no other traffic exists. Using a predetermined sequence
of answering, the phone talker calls and records (checks
off) results. The ECC supervisor should track this
procedure closely to be sure communication is
After a hit (simulated or actual), running an
immediate phone check. After the phone check, all
electronic spaces (manned and unmanned) must be
checked thoroughly for damage. ECC will dispatch a
minimum of two investigators to check known damaged
spaces (including manned spaces that fail to respond to
phone check). Unmanned spaces are checked by
personnel in manned spaces, usually by a prearranged
assignment. Checks of unmanned spaces will be made
only by, or as directed by, ECC.
Maintaining precise monitoring of equipment,
personnel, and casualties on a status board using
standard damage-control symbols.
Dispatching investigative teams, technical
assistance, and parts assistance as applicable. All teams
must use preestablished routes. This requires
coordinating with damage control central (DCC) when
the opening or closing of damage-control fittings is
involved. DCC should provide permission for ECC to
investigate the main deck and above.
Providing backup assistance as necessary by
assigning personnel within the ECC organization or by
coordinating other assistance, such as medical, damage
control, and repair teams, through damage control
Secondary ECC
Personnel assigned to the secondary ECC are
usually the assistant EMO or a senior CPO or petty
officer, a status board plotter and phone talker, and a
casualty investigation team. (If manning does not
provide sufficient personnel to have teams in the
secondary ECC, casualty investigation teams will be
pulled from undamaged spaces.)
When the secondary ECC takes control, its
responsibilities are the same as those of the primary
ECC. The secondary ECC must maintain the precise
status of equipment, systems, personnel, and casualties,
matching the status indicated by the primary ECC. This
means that the secondary ECC must closely monitor and
record all status passed over the electronics casualty
control communication circuits and the ships
announcing system MCs.
Suppose an extremely bad casualty occurs that
knocks out the primary ECC and the secondary ECC.
What happens in this situation? Your electronics
casualty control organization must have a descending
order of control that coincides with the order of
reporting-in during phone checks or casualty hits. In any
situation involving loss of both the primary and
secondary ECC centers, casualty control
responsibilities pass to the next lower level in the ECC
chain of command. The personnel in each manned
station of electronics casualty control should monitor
and record all status passed over the communications
circuit to the best of their ability.
You must carefully consider a variety of factors
when you assign personnel to the various reamed battle
stations. You must take into account each persons
effectiveness, versatility, and other possible assets to
have the most suitable and efficient electronics casualty
control organization. If you think carefully about these
factors and make your assignments accordingly, the
watch, quarter and station bills will contain the best
combinations of personnel and duties.
Casualties happen during both actual battles and
The secondary ECC is the first backup to the
simulated casualty control exercises. This means that
primary ECC. This alternate is necessary to maintain
casualties to electronic equipment or systems, spaces,
casualty control if the primary ECC becomes ineffective
and personnel must be expected and that some means of
because of personnel casualties, communication
backup and casualty investigation must be assigned. For
problems, flooding, tire, and such, that result from some
example, a battle hit is taken, and a phone check yields
type of battle damage.
one or more spaces not answering; therefore, a casualty